Tips Understand Photography and Camera Basics Part Two Lenses

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tips Understand Photography and Camera Basics Part Two Lenses

The lens is a device consisting of several mirrors that functions convert objects into shadow, inverted and real. 

Located in front of the camera lens. There are several types of lenses. Lens normal, wide lens (wide) and a long lens or commonly referred to as a telephoto lens. Normal lens size of the focus of the 50 mm or 55 mm for film measuring 35 mm. Angle of view of the lens is almost same viewpoint the human eye. In addition to a wide lens, there is also telephoto lens. Wide lens usually has wide focus 16-24mm. This lens is suitable to take pictures view. Telephoto lens is a lens that has a long focal length. This lens can be used to obtain sharp short space and can generate perspective face close to the original. These lenses are usually sized 85mm, 135mm and 200mm. Usually photographers use lenses as needed. If you want to take pictures
object or objects close to, or photographing landscapes, they usually use normal lens or a wide angle lens. But when the photographer wants to capture a certain moment with long distances, they usually use a telephoto lens. With Thus, they need not to target objects, and their work will be more easy. In addition to normal and telephoto lenses, there are also other types of lens called a lens variations or special lenses (special lense). Usually the lens is used for specific purposes. For example, fish eye lens (fish eye lens - 180 degrees). Photographing the photographer's lens will obtain unique results. However, this lens does not function to filter out anything but changed the outlook to achieve the results that deviate from the normal shooting. When a photographer wants to take a small sized object or shooting is near (Photographer closer to the object), commonly used lens is a macro lens. These lenses usually used for reproductive purposes because it can provide high quality and minimal distortion. For example: for photographing flowers, insects, etc.

In addition to the equipment, to produce a good photo we must also consider several things including: composition, light, line, form, texture, appearance, color and vertical or horizontal.
Composition is the arrangement of the overall picture object in the image so that objects the center of attention (POI = Point of Interest). By adjusting the composition of the photo we also can and will build a "mood" of a photo and the overall balance of the object. Talk composition it will always be associated with the sensitivity and "taste" (sense). For that very necessary to train our sensitivity to the composition of the photograph better.
There are several ways that can be used to produce a good composition. Among them:

A third section (Rule of Thirds). In general rules photography, field photo actually divided into 9 the same section. A third section is a technique whereby we put the object on third of the area of ​​the photo. This is very different from the common practice, in which we always put the object in the middle area of ​​the photo.
Shooting Angle (Angle of View). One of the elements that build the composition of the photo is the angle
object. Angle of the object is determined by the goal shooting. Therefore, if we want to get a moment and get the best results, we do not never afraid to shoot from different angles. Start with a standard (parallel
with the object), then try it with different points of view from the top, bottom, side up to the point of extreme
Line pattern Diagonal Composition, Horizontal, Vertical, Curve. In the shooting of Nature, stripe pattern is also one element that can strengthen the object image. Stripe pattern is constructed from a combination of the other elements that exist within an image. For example, trees, branches, leaves, line
horizon, mountain, road, roof lines and others. The elements that make up the pattern of this line should be placed in the third of the area of ​​the photo. This line pattern can make a more balanced composition of photo dynamic and not rigid.

Background (BG) and foreground (FG). Background and foreground objects are behind or in front of the core object of the photo. Ideally, BG and FG's is to support and strengthen the impression of the eye to focus on objects. Besides It also "mood" of a photo is also determined from the elements that exist in BG or FG. BG and FG, should not be more dominant (too light) than an object point. one of way is to blur (Blur) BG and FG through the aperture setting. Several techniques angle (angle) a photograph, namely: The view is limited to the eye (eye level viewing); most common, limited shooting eye on standing position, the result is fair / good, does not cause special effects that stood except for effects that arise by the use of lenses, such as using angle lens width, fish eye, telephoto, and so on because it is generally the camera is aligned with the subject. The views of birds (bird eye viewing); shot from above, visible effects appear subject
low, short and small. It felt like a 'small' / contempt towards the subject. benefits such as
to provide a location or landscape.

Low angle camera; shooting is done from below. Effect that arises is perspective distortion is technically
degrade image quality, for the creative it is used for special effects. The impression of this effect is a private figure raises big, tall, strong and authoritative, too haughty. People will look a little short 'Normal'. describe how the children looked at the 'world' people adult. Included also in this type shooting stage, people are
addressing the high pulpit. Frog eye viewing, limited eye sight frog. In this position, the camera is in down, almost parallel to the ground and not directed to the top, but flat and carried her down. Angle is used in
war photo, fauna and flora. Waist level viewing, shooting waist. The lens adjusted to the direction of the
(without having to peer through the window of the observer). Angle is often used for candid photos (secretly, unknown subject of the picture), but taking photos like This is speculative. High handheld position; shooting by holding the camera up high with both hands and without aiming. There are also speculative elements, but there are tricks to using a wide angle lens (16 mm to 35 mm) by positioning the focus ring at infinity (fixed) and then play it back a little. shooting like This is often done to public places to shoot into the crowd.
Film is a medium for recording images consisting of a thin slab with emulsion light sensitive. Because sensitive light is
making films should be stored in a box or tubes are not exposed to light. The film has a size of 35mm and 120mm or so-called medium format.

There are several types of films. Among them: FILM NEGATIVE: Negative Film or cliché, is the name for the image formed on the film after in a picture of and after developed, in which the visible part dark images, the object looks bright. Arising opposite colors because the light of the objects reflect more light to film and produce a dark area. X-RAY FILM: x-ray film. This film is the contrast and wrapped in foil. Because X-rays can penetrate solid objects bleak leather, textiles, etc., then the shooting will seem annoying shadows. The film is commonly used in medicine and treatment. POLAROID FILM: Polaroid film is a film that is used to produce images in a short time but did not have the negative. Previously, many professional photographers using this camera, but the day the camera and film type is deprecated. Only some photographers that still use it. Film Polaroid Land discovered by dr. ORTHOCHROMATIC FILM: The film is sensitive to blue and green but not on Red. MEDIUM FILM: Film at medium speed (ISO 100, 200). The group most film popular and much in demand photographer. Ideal for shooting in bright weather / sunny. Iso
Iso standard for film is used to indicate the sensitivity the film to light. The lower the ISO number, the lower the sensitivity to light. Light sensitivity is a priority in the shooting. Usually when we want to shooting in bright light the atmosphere, we are encouraged to wear film Iso 100 or films at low speed. Iso size of the movie there are different types of size: 25-50-100 - 200-400-600-800 and 1600.
Filters in the form of a translucent glass which has a thickness of flat. Filter usually mounted on the front end lens. There are several types of filters, including: COLOR POL FILTER: Filter composed
of a sheet of gray polarisator polarisator color, there are various color combinations that can be used for certain effects. COLOR POL FILTER: Filter composed of a sheet of gray polarisator
polarisator color, there are various color combinations that can be used for certain effects. POL CONVERSION FILTER: Filter consisted of a sheet polarisator with color conversion filter (85B). Usually also used for this type of camera kine, allowing the tungsten film used for sunny days and
have effects such as polarization filters. Image  This document is allowed to propagate, to copy, and or disseminated for the benefit of mutual learning, while mentioning name FIDER POL FILTER: The filter consists of two linear PL filter are combined into one. The number of incoming filter can be adjusted by turning the ring filter. Polarizing CIRCULAR FILTER: Filters are made of sheet polarisator linear and keeping quarter wave retardation,  between two bracelets filters. The effect is the same as the filter polarization, typically used for camera kine. Polarizing FILTER: Polarizing filters, are used to eliminate reflections from all a shiny surface. This filter consists of two parts, one part to another can be twisted around for use most ideal angle eliminates reflections, adding
color saturation and atmospheric fog. Also useful for blueing sky. ND FILTER: Filter ND. This filter serves to lower the beam power of 2 times to 8 times. This filter pitched gray or moderate and did not change the color of the image. NEBULA FILTER: Filter that produces an image with radial rays effect


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