Tips on Photographing Sunset And Sunrise

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tips on Photographing Sunset And Sunrise

Tips on Photographing Sunset And Sunrise Photographing the sunset and sunrise is one of the many "photos must" be done by a photography enthusiast. If you've ever tried photographing the sunset or sunrise but less satisfied with the results, please try the following tips so that sunrise and sunset photos gets better: Quote: 1. Preparation Make the Most. 

Spoiler for please: Sunset and sunrise only lasted about half an hour. For that we have to do the preparation beforehand. Be sure to come early and make sure you know where your next point will be photographing. So that the final composition of cool photos, do the observation point earlier. To make sure you're not late, you try to know what time sunset or sunrise will arrive (because at sunset / sunrise differ from location to location). Also make sure the equipment is ready: camera - lens - tripod (if any) and other accessories have been installed and set up properly, so it is time we get busy and not busy photographing set of tools. 2. Never Disappointed Because of Chance. Spoiler for please: Since you've gone to - trouble came to a remote location and difficult, do not be disappointed if the clouds suddenly arrived. Maximize your creativity when closed overcast sky. The sky was overcast and not snag produce beautiful photos at sunrise and sunset. 3. Maximize silhouette. Spoiler for please: Things to add to the attraction sunset and sunrise photo is a silhouette. Silhouettes give a strong impression and give the story in your photos, especially if you are photographing sunset or sunrise at the location that has a strong identity. 4. Bring a Tripod. Spoiler for please: If you want to use long shutter technique - create HDR or panorama: tripod obliged to carry 5. Use the Manual Focus. Spoiler for please: Because sunset and sunrise have a fairly extreme light quality, sometimes the camera will have trouble finding focus if you use auto focus mode, immediately switch to manual mode so we do not waste time waiting for the camera to find the point of focus. 6. Never Stuck In Wide Angle Spoiler for please: Photographing the sunset and sunrise using a wide angle lens (wide angle) are common, but do not dwell only use the lens (if you do have other options). Take advantage of the range of other lenses, such as telephoto lenses. 7. Use White Balance Presets Cloudy. Spoiler for please: Change the white balance setting to cloudy (usually denoted by the icon cloudy). Setting the white balance will make photo sunset or sunrise colors warmer and more "bite" than when using the auto white balance setting. Or if you like to experiment, try other white balance settings. 8. Use Spot Metering (SLR and Prosumer) or Sunset Scene (for Pocket Camera). Spoiler for please: To get the correct exposure, use spot metering mode if you have an SLR and prosumer camera, or use the scene modes sunset / sunrise if you are using a pocket camera beginners. For measurements use a spot meter, point the focal point to the area around the sun (not just the sun - and then do it by pressing half shutter metering and lock your exposure. For a pocket camera (with scene modes), just point and shoot. 9. Do Stop When the Sunset Through. Spoiler for please: When shooting sunset, do not pack your camera just because the sun has passed the horizon. hang on a minute, because the light just after sunset is one of the most picturesque light that nature issued. Likewise with the sunrise, do not too short a time to come to the sunrise. light just before sunrise is one of the most beautiful. 10. pray Natural Side with your order. Spoiler for please: you are far - far come to a secluded beach (or mountains), set an alarm to wake up at 4 am and had set up all the equipment to be ready to shoot, but then - come rain arrived. Yeah apadaya, photographing outdoors it requires luck and patience, patience why? because you can try again tomorrow How? whether you tertaik. A little extra make your shots Sunset and sunrise are breathtaking: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing: Spoiler for amazing

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