Tips Lighting in Photography

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tips Lighting in Photography

1 Introduction
Well, after studying the learning activities 1-3 is, now you will be invited into the question of the most primary Photography. Right! It is a matter of lighting. Do you know what is meant by lighting? If not, then you are exactly right to begin to open, read and learn at this 4 learning activities. Happy reading and work!
General Instructional destination

After studying a fragment of this module, you are expected to understand the problem and some aspect of lighting that was instrumental in the creation of your photo.
Special Instructional destination
After studying and learning activities 4, you should be able to:
• Describe the lighting in photography
• Identify sources of light in photography
• Distinguish between the three categories of quality of light (light intensity)
• State 7 different direction of the light / lighting
• Explain the relationship between the diaphragm aperture, shutter speed and iso film with lighting
• Practicing the process of lighting you want to use SLR cameras

2. Description and Examples
As you know from previous learning, that shooting is not possible in the dark, if you want maximum results. For that there must be light or light that enters the camera. Well, the light elements that determine good or captured. So it can be concluded that the lighting in photography is absolutely essential and should be there.
Photography can be defined as the science that studies how to "draw" or recorded with the aid of light or light to the images or portraits. The light itself can be said as one of the basic ingredients in the process of "draw" it. Without any light then a picture or photographic work will not be created.
Do you know how many lighting in photography?
Lighting can be divided into two major lines, namely:
1. Lighting for just deliver images in photography, or the more you know the Exposure.
2. Lighting for dramatization in photography, or have the name of the lighting (lighting set up)

Exposure here relates to the film speed (ASA), the diaphragm in the lens, and the camera shutter speed. The lighting here just to produce images that are not under or over exposure, this is a very basic lighting in photography. However, you do not

Underestimate, because the proper exposure is essential to produce good photos. This applies to the new learning to existing photography experts.

Usually we use lighting in the studio. Although there is rarely used outside the building or in the studio. Lighting is used, after you have mastered the correct exposure in order to produce images or dramatic artistic impression counts. For that you need to know the direction of the light / light. Because the lighting we play with the direction of the beam.

How is the process of creating a work of photography?
This process occurs when the film has a light sensitive material inside illuminated camera and record the color of light from an object crossing the camera. Image on the film negative that happened because of the light and the "hurt" her, causing certain scars. The film is made light sensitive material. But in order to be able to record movies with a good image, there should be certain rules.
The first rule is, must come up with a directional light. This task is lens. That move a three-dimensional image in the camera body to be recorded in the form of two-dimensional. Without the lens, the camera can not work for photography.
The second rule is, the amount of incoming light must be fitted with state of the film is attached. Thus, to get the right amount of light, you have to know also the origin of the light source, light intensity, and direction of light or light that comes on the object. This is what we shall discuss in the next point.

Sun, moon, stars, fire, candles, flashlights, incandescent, fluorescent, flash (flash) studio, and light reflection shiny thing can be said as the light sources.

Light sources were categorized as follows:
a. Natural light sources
That is the light source coming from the Almighty, typically have a more powerful light. For example: sun, moon, stars, etc..
b. Artificial light sources
That light source that can be made or created by humans. For example: incandescent, fluorescent, flash, candles, lanterns, fire, etc..
Light quality can be defined as the power level of light given off by a light source. Beam power level is divided into three categories, namely:
1. Hard
These rays can cause the color tone of light contrast between dark and light.
2. Moderate
These rays can cause soft light color tones between dark and light.
3. Weak
These rays can cause diffuse light color tone / subtle between light and dark.

That is the direction the light comes from a light source to the object that is right in front of the camera. In the direction of the shooting known some rays, among others:
1. Rays front / face
That light coming from the object and face in front, parallel to or behind the photographer. This light will create 2-dimensional impression of the face object. If the light comes too strong, it will usually form the image of the object cross under the chin. It can be eliminated with the addition of light given reflector. Ray beam is used as a filler.
2. Rays back (Back Light)
Light coming from behind the object or point to the camera. These rays exploited to cause dramatic effects (aura effect) from the back and can usually lead to a silhouette or a dark object ahead. Sometimes it happens so-called flair, the entry of light directly into the lens of bias is too strong. It can be anticipated by means of:
- Directing the light is not too behind the object, but is rather the (oblique) called hair lighting.
- Using light filler (Fill in) or reflector
- Adding lighting Light meters over 2 stop
3. Side beam (Light Side)
Light coming from the side of the object. This light is used to get the dimensions of light and dark sides of the face object facing the camera.
4. Rays top
Light coming from the object. This light is used to illuminate the top of an object that sometimes will cause harsh shadows pasa down the sides of the object.
5. Rays lock
With strong light coming from the direction of 45 degrees on the front side of the object, often used in studio fashion shoot a 3-dimensional impression.
The entry of light into the camera can be likened to fill a bucket with water through the taps. The magnitude of the bucket, the magnitude and duration of filling openings taps, interconnected with each other. If a large bucket would obviously need more time. However if so open wider, fill any time becomes shorter. Well, the size of the bucket is like ISO film you use. The lower the ISO film you use, the more light is needed to meet them. So ISO 100 film needs more light than ISO 400 film.
In other words, ISO 400 film more sensitive to light than ISO 100 film. The higher the ISO the film (the higher the number ISOnya) the more sensitive the film is to light. For everyday use, the film is a film best suited to ISO 100, 200 or 400. Films with lower ISO you can usually use for artistic purposes that require sharpness or detail for the photos to be printed in very large sizes.
While the film with a high ISO is generally used for shooting in dim conditions (but can not use the flash), for example, pictures of sports or opera performances. However, you do not use high ISO film, if you want to print magnification not you be bad, because the high ISO film has poor resolution, which has coarse granules when magnified. So it is clear that the selection of ISO film should be adjusted to your liking and mood or the moment when it happened.
Therefore, the aperture (shutter speed) ISO film, is very influential in the shooting. Error in the "element", it could certainly affect the results of the photo shoot.

Tips for you:
1. There are two important points to start setting on your camera is still concerned about the lighting that is:
Do you use a camera equipped with a light meter? or camera you are using is not complemented by the light meter or light meter in your camera is not working anymore?
How do I fix this, if this happens? Do not be confused! First, the fact you can still shoot very well if the camera is only as camera second. That is, there are other cameras air gauge light coadministered. Setting the camera without a light meter can mimic other settings. But if the camera without a light meter was the only one, you can wear with a few notes:
1) You should shoot with negative film that capable fault tolerant lighting up with two stop (remember the explanation about this in previous learning activities).
2) You have to know the right ISO film you use when shooting.
3) Better this way (without the light meter) is only used to shoot in the open only in sunlight.
4) The next suggestion, you should be prepared that some photos are absolutely can not be used due to improper lighting is too severe.
With the light meter you will more easily find the setting that matches the more accurate. The thing to remember is, the ISO setting on your camera must be properly aligned with the ISO film you use. If it is wrong, vain existing light meter.
How to use a light meter:
On one occasion you choose shutter, lens pointing towards the target, look at the indicator light meter inside your camera. Turn the aperture ring until the light meter says suit. Generally light meter provides information in the form of a plus sign (which means over), and minus (which means under) or the number 0 (which means exactly). Once the light meter says OK, you can change the settings as needed combination.

3. Summary
● Light is the most important element in photography since he was as one of the basic ingredients that support the creation of a photographic work that can lead to a certain impression.
• The light source is divided into two, namely: 1. Natural light sources
2. Artificial light sources
• Lighting is broadly divided into:
1. Exposure
2. Lighting
• The quality of light is divided into 3 categories:
1. Hard 2. Medium 3. Weak
• In some shooting direction of the beam is known, namely:
1. Front beam, 2. Rear beam, 3. Rays side, 4. Rays top
5. Rays lock, 6. Rays back ground, 7. Ray diffuse
• Lighting is very closely related to the results of a good photo. It's such a manner suitability aperture setting, shutter speed and ISO film used.
• The camera has a light meter, it is easier to combine the initial setup for capturing a specific part in a specific event as well.

4. Exercise 4
To what extent menhetahui understanding about lighting tones, kerjakamlah following tasks to be honest!
1. Why lighting is a key element in photography?
2. What is Exposure?
3. What is the difference between exposure to spatial light?
4. How many light sources do you know?
5. What is the purpose of light quality balance?

Formative Test 4
Put a cross on the letter B if it is true and S if any of you think the following statements?
1. B - S rear light used for aura effect around the silhouette of the object.
2. B - S Flair point is the inclusion of bias indirect light into the lens.
3. B - S Overcome flair can only be anticipated to use traditional light filler (fill in) or reflector.
4. B - S Size settings on the aperture affects the light elements
5. B - S Movies ISOnya lower, requiring little
light compared to the film with a high ISO.
6. B - S film with a high ISO is typically used for sports photos
and opera performances.
7. B - S ISO low Film premises used to capture the moment
which require detailed sharpness.
8. B - S Shutter Speed ​​1/125 sec shutter speed faster than 1/60 sec.
9. B - S To prevent under conditions, you should change the film
with a higher ISO.
10. B - S The bigger the aperture, the more background blur photos.

5. Feedback
your answers with the answer key exercise 4 and 4 formative tests that exist in this module. Calculate the amount of your answers are correct. Then use the formula below to determine your level of mastery of the material Learning Activity 4. Formula:
Mastery level = Number your answers are correct
x 100
Meaning that you achieve the level of mastery:
90% - 100% = very good
80% - 89% = good
70% - 79% = moderate
<70% = less

If you reach 80% mastery level up you can continue the learning activities 5. Good stuff! But if your mastery level is still below 80% you will have to repeat the learning activities 4. Especially in the description that you have not mastered.

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