Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learning Photography For Beginners Who Want to be a Professional

Photography is an activity that is currently some people very loved by young and old, even children, perhaps for a layperson like me photography just take a picture and edit it out on photoshop and other and sorted out .. hehe .. but if we want to take another look at how to conduct photography or take photo properly .. following me give you some tips that come from several photography forums.

The rapid development of photography today is impacted by the amount of media education media that can deliver us to know the world of photography is much deeper.
Some people have an advantage by being able to take pictures with natural or self-taught. There is also a picture of the ability to obtain a formal school or the course.
In the 1980's when we want to deepen their knowledge of photography to be out of the country. Nowadays it does not have to study photography abroad, in this country has now mushroomed places to learn photography, especially in big cities in Indonesia. Besides in a chair college or formal education are many ways that we can try to learn photography. Even the digital era, we are biased to learn photography from the internet. But all to no hard work, perseverance and self-satisfied that a photographer will not be successful in this learning stage.
Where we learn photography:

Formal 1.Pendidikan
Formal education is learning photography photography school or college.
Formal education can make us become more disciplined in studying photography, and also has a mentor who can guide us so that the learning process more effective.
Line Formal charges are usually quite expensive and have a flexible time not because we have to follow the existing schedule.
National Education Formal we might as well take on a field of study in college. The schedule is set up, teachers that have been scheduled more quickly it will deliver much faster we learn about the world of photography.

Usually the courses that we will study in formal education are:
- History of photography
- Photography basis
- Photography still life
- Photography fasion
- Photo journalism
- Product Photos
- Wedding Photos
- Photography of nature and animals (wild life photography)
- Dark Room
- Industry photography
- Digital imaging

If we want to select the familiar formal photography then choose a school that already has a name known by many people or do not already have a good graduate graduates, because we have spent quite a lot and took quite a long time in the learning process so we choose the best of the good.
The success of being a photographer is not visible from where we took a school or a degree in. Final assessment of a photographer is the end result of his work. The advantages of the photographers whose formal education is usually more controlled and powerful technique to conceptualize a photo with a theory based studies.

Informal 2.Pendidikan
Informal education is an education that photography is now very in like by newcomers in the world of photography.
Informal education have some excellence the relatively low cost and affordable and has a flexible and we can choose whatever material needs that we want. But in formal training many photographers become disciplined in studying photography. This causes the length of the learning process.
Where can we get informal education ...?

3. Workshop and Seminar
The number of photography workshops we can follow, almost every week we will hear a photography workshop in big cities in Indonesia.
We'll easily find a workshop on the internet, some photographic portal facilitates event - event workshop. So diligent  searching to find a good workshop.
Take some photography workshops, not just one time. Since learning can not be instant photo. By following a few workshops and seminars we will have many sources of inspiration and new creative ideas.
The material can be obtained from the workshop are:
- Oprasinal camera
- Introduction to basic photography
- Basic techniques of photography
- Basic base composition
- Model photography basic level
- Editing and photo processing
- Studio lighting basic level

Tips on choosing workshops and seminars:
Pick a few workshops / seminars that have good content and good reputation of the speaker. Armed with that information we may have had before, we can be sure whether the speaker in the workshop / seminar was competent or not in the field. If you do not have any information about it, try to ask other people who know about or explore information from the internet.
Often a speaker that has a name is also a book author. By knowing the book, then you already have a positive reference about it.
Next is to calculate the cost we would incur. In general, speakers who have high competence and well-known, tend to put high tariffs in the workshop.
Make sure before we attend a workshop that presented the material to suit our needs. Consider the relevance of the material or content that is discussed in the workshop / seminar with the needs of the science that we need. If relevant, consider to follow.

4. Books & Articles
Books are a window to the world, choose books can develop our knowledge in photography. The virtual world is a shortcut way of fatherly could learn photography. So many e-books as well as articles article on the internet that can be read fatherly deepen learning photography. Some portal photography much facilitated several articles and forums to discuss photography.
The most effective way to learn photography is through read, buy some guidebook in studying photography.
Take the time to read it, by reading we will learn new things. Some of the many successful photographers armed with books and articles. Apply / practice is the new thing we learn from books and articles. Most of us only read about it but lazy practice. With practice will accelerate the learning process.

Tips on selecting quality books:
we often confuse in choosing quality books, but we already spend considerable money to buy a book, but the content of the book is not as we expected. Language is difficult to understand, complicated convoluted and boring.

There are some tips in choosing a quality book:
1. Read the synopsis
Synopsis is a summary of the book and its advantages - its advantages. Usually synopsis is presented on the back cover of books.
Read the synopsis of the book before deciding to buy.

2.Bacalah table of contents
We can know the content of a book by looking at the list of contents. Contents are listed point by point from a book.

3. Know the author
Before you buy a book it helps us find out who wrote it. If we know the author of the book as a writer / qualified practitioner we feel confident to buy the book.

5. Club / Community Photos
Community or club is a social organization have same hobby. In every big cities in Indonesia are generally already have a community or club photography. Take some club / photography community, following a club will increase exchange information, knowledge, tips and tricks of the photographers who had already plunged into the world of photography.
After following the club please take time to attend some of the activities the club, it is quite helpful to add references and knowledge of the new science in developing our capabilities.

Tips on choosing a club / community:
Pick a club / community quality, do not choose a community activities just get together and talk show on café alone. Pick a community that has some routines that could drive us deeper into the familiar world of photography.
Ask with the managers / moderators in the club / community continue any such activities.
Club / community good will rapidly push us to learn photography because we are motivated by our fellow colleagues.

6. Hunting photography
Almost every weekend we often hear Hunting Photography, Take a few Hunting Photography. As we follow the Hunting we shall add portpolio us in the picture.
Pick some good hunting and do not be hasty in choosing hunting because it would throw the budget useless, do not just interested in the beautiful model, nice location, but adjust to the needs of our portpolio.
A time is
sharing with colleagues when hunting takes place, we regular asked embarrassed to ask a new friend. With many questions with colleagues will add a variety of new insights.

Tips on choosing hunting photography:
Remember Hunting made to facilitate the photographer to make.
Sometimes hunting mischaracterized photography camera gear to show off what we got.
Do not ever feel inferior to the other participants camera or gear.
Choose to add port polio hunting us, do not be careless choosing hunting.

Tips in choosing a hunting photography:
Recognize organizers
As we recognize and know the organizers of hunting we will not be deceived in following these hunting

Find out the concept hunting
Try asking the organizers of what hunting concept, if the organizers of hunting implement the model then we shall know who the model is, what wardrobe to wear, what makeup show.

Adjust with our port polio
Do not follow some hunting with a concept that is almost like when we already have a stock photo or port polio same.

7. Learning from mistakes
Expand the camera shooter button, the more we make a mistake in taking an event, the more to learn from a mistake. Mistakes are a true learning process.
Allow extra time to evaluate our shots, discuss with colleagues our shots. Have positive feedback from them so we can restore our shots.
Interest and embroidery is not enough for fatherly be a successful photographer. Photography skills will be well and truly our quasi seriously if we learn the ins and outs of the world deepen photography.

Tips to learn from a mistake:
Mistakes are not all bad. Errors will provide the basis of new experience to us and usually we will more quickly learn a lesson from a mistake.
There are times when one time we will find the photos bored in learning, especially when we try to picture in many ways, but still ugly. Boredom is a natural thing, it is often experienced by new photographers, try to overcome it bounced back with photos while hunting recreation with family or exhibition see photo, this will lead us back for spirit continued to study photography.

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